Saturday, April 14, 2007

Tigger Times Two

Hey all.

Well, it seems the wee wife may have lost our camera during our ordeal at the hospital, so you may never see those necessary pics of me in the surgery gown. Whatever. Anyway, that camera was kind of a piece of crap... This should more than make up for it:

Yep, I look like a rickety table that someone tried to fix. I went back to the doc's to get an update on wednesday. Sure enough, they had put screws in my heel. They took off the right cast and said everything was looking really good; a relatively small amount of stitching was removed and I was re-casted up, with another Tigger cast. So dope.

The current plan is for me to get BOTH casts off on May 9th (thats about 4 weeks, yikes). At that point, the left foot will be free to kick around while the right will be confined to a moon boot. I get to become intimate with crutches for some time... then a cane, then ?? Both the Dr. and the resident are very happy with the way everything looks.

The new cast holds the heel a bit more firmly, so its not as painful; its more of a constant tingling pain, which I prefer, but it does make it a bit hard to sleep. I have stopped taking the pain meds altogether. Tigger2 is also much lighter and the white stripe glows... which is very exciting, were I to EVER leave my place :)

All is well and I am staying positive. More soon.


miriamdema said...

holy crap!!!
dude, getting around the ol' dutch boy in a wheel chair, that must be place on the inside looks awesome though, congrats!

Anonymous said...

Lovely!! Can we start the "lose screw" jokes now? "I always thought you had a screw lose". Ok, I won't do anymore. I'll try to contain myself. You know how this side of the family likes that sort of humor. Looks good though, speaking as a Mom and wife of two A types who often have need of a good orthopedic surgeon. Although I can honestly say my two do indeed have lose screws!