Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Thinking Legally (For A Change)

So... I know you have been thinking to yourselves, "how could he have ever misjudged such an easy jump" or "he must have been crazy to take such a chance"... and well, yes it was stupid. BUT - I have been playing a certain video-game called "Crackdown". In said video-game you play as a sort of bionic ubercop that can perform ludicrously long jumps and fall many, many stories and survive while leaving a crater in the ground. For your consideration:

For a change I've decided to go all American and, thusly, lawsuit crazed. I suggest that it was this violent video game which caused me, no, FORCED me to make that jump. In a XBOX LIVE CYBERCHAT with friend Justin Hall, I discussed this possible moneygrub. Suffice to say, the subject has been breeched in the forums of Realtime Worlds, the very game developer responsible for Crackdown. I'd say I have a real case... I'm no foolish pre-teen, well swayed by devil music. I'm a MAN with a WIFE (that means I even have sex on occasion)... and I MAKE devil music. Imagine what this terrible, terrible game might do to a 'lesser' mind. Dungeons and Dragons positively pales in comparison.

Oh, by the way, I'm looking at 3 weeks left in these casts, tomorrow is my last tum-tum injection, my shoddy backup wheelchair is shedding vinyl and plastic like a leper and I am slowly losing my mind while looking at my one view of the outside world.

Hugs and kisses.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Tigger Times Two

Hey all.

Well, it seems the wee wife may have lost our camera during our ordeal at the hospital, so you may never see those necessary pics of me in the surgery gown. Whatever. Anyway, that camera was kind of a piece of crap... This should more than make up for it:

Yep, I look like a rickety table that someone tried to fix. I went back to the doc's to get an update on wednesday. Sure enough, they had put screws in my heel. They took off the right cast and said everything was looking really good; a relatively small amount of stitching was removed and I was re-casted up, with another Tigger cast. So dope.

The current plan is for me to get BOTH casts off on May 9th (thats about 4 weeks, yikes). At that point, the left foot will be free to kick around while the right will be confined to a moon boot. I get to become intimate with crutches for some time... then a cane, then ?? Both the Dr. and the resident are very happy with the way everything looks.

The new cast holds the heel a bit more firmly, so its not as painful; its more of a constant tingling pain, which I prefer, but it does make it a bit hard to sleep. I have stopped taking the pain meds altogether. Tigger2 is also much lighter and the white stripe glows... which is very exciting, were I to EVER leave my place :)

All is well and I am staying positive. More soon.

Friday, April 6, 2007

The Tail of My Cut

Sorry about the delay, it’s been quite a week. When I left off, I had druggedly posted that the surgery had been a success, and I suppose it was (so says the Dr.). Now lets go back to the morning of March 29th.

I got to Kaiser Oaktown at 9:30 AM. The Matmos were trying to rush cross the bridge early to help, but they were a bit late so B and I just thru me into the RAV and headed out under our own power. The two of us were obsessed about not being late; missing my chance at the operation; I dunno. Obsessive compulsive. Anyway…

I led myself into Robert the Cast Dude’s lair and he removed the weird bulky cast I had on my right leg. The swelling seemed to have gone down somewhat, but man… the outside of the foot was totally flat, no little bump in the middle of the heel, no stereotypical foot shaped curve…. Oh, and it was a little purple-greenish. Ya, I do believe that’s going to have to come off. Dr. Ford and the resident came in and took a look and decided that yes, they could do the avant garde / experimental procedure.. no huge bloody metal plates for me.

From the CT SCAN, the Dr.s could see that I had shattered my right heel into 4 pieces, ‘like how an egg shatters’. Yikes… They are going to use screws and a small metal plate to keep it all together in hopes of it healing in the correct shape. Part of the reason it was so painful was because a piece of cartilage had slipped down in amongst the shattered bits of heel, so it was all scraping together. Ahem.

Success in this procedure would mean that I should have no trouble moving my foot up and down, however, it is not clear at this point how much side to side action I am going to get… so long professional basketball.

OK, so its across the campus to the Emergency OR, see, this was a ‘fit-in’ operation, and kind of an emergency as you have to operate on these kinds of things quickly, before they heal in the wrong position. After a few abortive attempts at finding the quick way up there, we found the ‘waiting hall’ totally full of folks in pain and on cell phones. They crammed Bevin, myself and my wheelchair into this murky triangular room; CourtTV blaring. I got into my hot hospital gown and began waiting.

By 11:30 I had started getting a bit of a headache. As per Dr.’s orders, I hadn’t eaten or drank anything since midnite the nite before.. actually since about 10. As a result, I had not had any coffee this morning and it was beginning to catch-up to me. I got my IV of fluids around one. By two I was in real pain and wasn’t having any fun at all. It wasn’t till about 5 that the anesthesiologist came to see me.

He told me he was going to give me a sciatic nerve block. This would numb my leg for like 3 days after the surgery – making pain management pretty easy, which sounded great. Telling me he would have to stick a needle in me just under the sitter and prod around my nerves to make sure he didn’t permanently damage me was a little creepy, but hey, I was feeling lucky.

I left for the OR at 6 o’clock. In the OR the anesthesiologist said, “let me give you a little sumthin’ sumthin’”… I have no memory of the sciatic nerve probe.

I awoke with the wife and brother-in-law next to me. A stricken looking woman across from me was refusing her pain meds and insisting that the nurse pray with her, with little success. My leg was hella numb and the Dr. came by to say the operation was a success.

I got home and blogged the last entry.

The next morning I felt pretty good the leg was numb and all systems go… Oh, I forgot to mention, I have to get injections into my tummy every morning. Yes, to keep from getting blood clots from sitting on my rump so long, I pinch an inch every morning, swab a little alcohol and ‘pokey-pokey’. It’s not so bad, but I don’t see myself going intravenous drug user any time soon.

All was peach until about 10:30, that’s when the numbing wore off and the pain began. Oh Lord, this was some delicious pain. More painful by far that the actual accident… or any other pain I have experienced. Piquant. I quickly downed a bit more than the prescribed pain meds… to little avail. I was left moaning and chanting mantras trying to get beyond the pain. I apologize to my bro-in-law who got to sit there thru it. It frankly was pretty funny. Martin came by and I suggested the two of them go for lunch, ‘cause I was downstairs and had to use the bathroom, which means the stairs – and I knew that wasn’t going to be pretty.

I had one more day of pretty excellent pain, then got on top of it. I then had a couple pretty good days, probably better than I was allowed. The pain meds were allowing me to do more than I should… Instead of just sitting and recovering, I was up and about, receiving guests etc. The other thing it was doing was playing havoc with my gastro-intestinal tract. On Monday, I decided to go off the meds… which led to two days of sleep. Sleep I should have been getting before but the meds were keeping me from.

This brings us mostly up to date. Yesterday I went with Ryan to get a second wheelchair for the downstairs (Kaiser sees this as luxury, tho if they’d ever BEEN to my place…). This went fairly well, ‘cept they didn’t give me a legrest… sigh….

Ok.. will update with some photos and info with more regularity from here on out