What goes on?
Sorry about the delay in updating, but I've been dancing with moderate pleasure.
I went to see the doctor on the 19th of May. Robert removed my Double Tiggers (Heroes in a Half Cast – Tigger Power!) and I rolled over to X-Ray. Tempers were flaring that day and the X-Ray tech was pissed at the roomer (or Bellboy, or whatever they are called). Being my ever helpful self, I let the tech know that my left foot was pretty OK but that the right was still pretty raw and I’d need to go slow with it. She told me that they have children with brain hemorrhages coming in there for X-Rays and I should feel lucky that I just had a busted foot. I told her I didn’t feel lucky.
I could tell this was going badly.
Seriously tho, my right foot was nasty looking. If I put one next to the other it looked like the right belonged to someone weighing 400 lbs. - plus it was shedding skin and still pretty bruised. I had my tiggers on, but just wrapped in ACE Bandage™ and the casts were FULL of hair; just like Chewbacca’s jock strap.Anyway, my superior placating skills made a friend of the tech in the end… Actually, it probably has to do with self-deprecating humor, or something. I agreed to thank God for my dumb luck and was on my way.
I spent about 10 minutes with the doctor, not the one who did the surgery, some other dude. He told me that all looked great in the X-Rays but that I would need moon boots on both feet and would be stuck in the wheelchair another 2 weeks. In addition, I would be on the Kaiser Medical Center Physical Therapy Course Outline ™, which is in 2 weeks I should start using crutches, two more weeks and I should start walking without crutches but with moonboots, 2 more weeks and I could try walking in shoes and 2 more weeks come back and see him. No scheduled physical therapy, just ‘drawing the alphabet with [my] feet.I know I should be happy that it seems as if my heels are healing well enough to do my own PhysTher, but it seems much more likely that it’s a way to offset the price of my surgery for Mr. Wilhelm.
yeah, that foot is pretty rank. not as rank as a hairy j-strap which i can't get out of my head now.
glad to hear there is some progress though!
Yuck!! It looks like a filet of Halibut gone bad!! Hope it looks and feels better by now.
alright i am from scotland and have done the same thing 5 years ago shattered my right heel to pieces and also shattered my left. never got op. done and still feel pain. how are yours now. contact me at gordondee4life@aol.com. if thats ok. feckin sore isnt it
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