T-Minus Three Days
While I am trying not to get my hopes up above the level of my feet, I am cautiously waiting for Wednesday when I am slated to get my casts off. I go in at 9AM and get them off and then I'm wheeled off to get X-Rays and finally to meet with the doc. While they were optimistic about the surgery, I am starting to get all hypochondriacal.
The pain has subsided in the right heel, it still is painful from time to time, but I've noticed that there is a bit of swelling in there. Has it been swollen the whole time? I just don't know. Also, i sort of strained my right foot/leg/whatever over the weekend... trying to close a window. It just wasn't as strong as I thought... So, what does this mean for the crutches I am supposed to be using come Wednesday? I don't know.
To make matters worse, I have to play a show at Mezzanine on Friday, and apparently there is no easy way for an un-walking one to get on stage easily, so its likely I will have to be choplifted up there.
And me without a bulletbelt... *sigh*
Come on, my dear, most of healing is positive mental attitude. I have two boys that can tell you all about that stuff. Wednesday they will take off your casts and discover that you have healed in miraculous time. No worries. After all, most of what you're feeling is speculation anyway. Certainly not fact. The swelling could be just because of not keeping it elevated enough. As I remember, once the cast is off, the swelling goes down anyway. Chin up, stiff upper lip and all that. Prayers from Phoenix and Auntie CD!!
Thanks for writing this.
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