Saturday, May 19, 2007

What goes on?

Sorry about the delay in updating, but I've been dancing with moderate pleasure.

I went to see the doctor on the 19th of May. Robert removed my Double Tiggers (Heroes in a Half Cast – Tigger Power!) and I rolled over to X-Ray. Tempers were flaring that day and the X-Ray tech was pissed at the roomer (or Bellboy, or whatever they are called). Being my ever helpful self, I let the tech know that my left foot was pretty OK but that the right was still pretty raw and I’d need to go slow with it. She told me that they have children with brain hemorrhages coming in there for X-Rays and I should feel lucky that I just had a busted foot. I told her I didn’t feel lucky.

I could tell this was going badly.

Seriously tho, my right foot was nasty looking. If I put one next to the other it looked like the right belonged to someone weighing 400 lbs. - plus it was shedding skin and still pretty bruised. I had my tiggers on, but just wrapped in ACE Bandage™ and the casts were FULL of hair; just like Chewbacca’s jock strap.

Anyway, my superior placating skills made a friend of the tech in the end… Actually, it probably has to do with self-deprecating humor, or something. I agreed to thank God for my dumb luck and was on my way.

I spent about 10 minutes with the doctor, not the one who did the surgery, some other dude. He told me that all looked great in the X-Rays but that I would need moon boots on both feet and would be stuck in the wheelchair another 2 weeks. In addition, I would be on the Kaiser Medical Center Physical Therapy Course Outline ™, which is in 2 weeks I should start using crutches, two more weeks and I should start walking without crutches but with moonboots, 2 more weeks and I could try walking in shoes and 2 more weeks come back and see him. No scheduled physical therapy, just ‘drawing the alphabet with [my] feet.

I know I should be happy that it seems as if my heels are healing well enough to do my own PhysTher, but it seems much more likely that it’s a way to offset the price of my surgery for Mr. Wilhelm.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Tiggers - for posterity

I realized I hadn't included a shot of the Double Tiggers... so here they are. Notice the swelling of the right foot. That is all.

T-Minus Three Days

While I am trying not to get my hopes up above the level of my feet, I am cautiously waiting for Wednesday when I am slated to get my casts off. I go in at 9AM and get them off and then I'm wheeled off to get X-Rays and finally to meet with the doc. While they were optimistic about the surgery, I am starting to get all hypochondriacal.

The pain has subsided in the right heel, it still is painful from time to time, but I've noticed that there is a bit of swelling in there. Has it been swollen the whole time? I just don't know. Also, i sort of strained my right foot/leg/whatever over the weekend... trying to close a window. It just wasn't as strong as I thought... So, what does this mean for the crutches I am supposed to be using come Wednesday? I don't know.

To make matters worse, I have to play a show at Mezzanine on Friday, and apparently there is no easy way for an un-walking one to get on stage easily, so its likely I will have to be choplifted up there.

And me without a bulletbelt... *sigh*

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Surgery Flashback b/w 16 Stairs

So! B found the camera, so I figured I would post a couple photos...

The Doctor's Gameplan

Lookin' Saucy

So, above is the incredibly depressing triangular surgery waiting room I was in for 9 hours. Each CourtTV show proved more depressing than the last, and I thought you couldn't top Divorce Court... I was wrong. I neglected to mention that Bevin had to help wheel me to a toilet at some point because I couldn't get into the bathroom in the waiting room. I already had my IV in so she had to help me disrobe etc... and request another gown when I realized mine was wet. Humiliation and migraines go well together.

I hinted at our stairs in earlier posts, but haven't gone into detail. Here they are:

When we moved into this place, I complained for a couple weeks that these new stairs were not of standard height... they feel built for much shorter folk. I kept tripping on them as I raced up to grab the phone or whatever. I can honestly say now that I have altered my harmony completely. It is uncomfortable enough scooting up these guys one at a time... the addition of an inch or so would be most unpleasant. I don't think I'm in better shape, but it is true that I can heft myself up the stairs without stopping for rest... Soo... Also, I am thanking the universe that we are no longer in our old place where it was a severe 6 step captain's stair up into the bed loft... feh! I would have been sleeping on the kitchen floor for sure... O.. and also, it was 4 steps up into the entry of the old place versus 1 in the new.. Lucky number 13!